10 Nov

Passengers can cancel the booked flight by visiting the airline's official website or by calling the customer care number. Agents will be happy to assist you. Before proceeding with the cancellation process, please review Aeromexico's cancellation policy. Cancellation charges are subject to the terms and conditions of your booked ticket, fare rules. If you have purchased a return ticket, you can request a full refund. If you have ordered a non-refundable ticket, an additional fee will be charged. Check out the steps below to learn how to cancel "Aeromexico Flight Tickets".

All you need to know in detail is how to cancel an Aeromexico flight.

You can check the procedure below to cancel your flight with Aeromexico.

  • To cancel a flight, you can visit the Aeromexico website. You will also need to keep your personal data - flight details as they need to be entered to get your booking details. After the flight details are displayed, you can continue to cancel the flight. Compensation may be required after a flight cancellation.
  • If you cannot cancel a flight online, you can call customer service - they will guide you through the cancellation policy - procedures - how it will help you complete the process.
  • If the ticket is purchased through a travel agency, please contact them: they will follow the process for you as they ask for a refund.

While the steps above can help you with your cancellation, there are other things you need to remember before canceling a flight. The strong points are explained in the flight cancellation policy, which is given below.

Aeromexico 24 Hour Cancellation Policy:

  • Aeromexico 24-hour cancellation policy. As the name suggests, you can cancel your flight ticket to get a full refund within 24 hours of your initial booking. Here are the policy rules and regulations.
    If you cancel your ticket within 24 hours of purchase, you will not receive an Aeromexico cancellation fee.
  • If you make a reservation on or before seven days prior to the flight's departure date, you can get your full refund.
  • If you make a reservation within seven days of travel, the relevant amount will be deducted from your account.
  • If the ticket is canceled after 24 hours of purchase, a cancellation fee will be charged.
  • If you book a return ticket, you can get a full refund.
  • If you book a non-refundable ticket, you will need to pay a cancellation fee based on Aeromexico's refund policy.

This all applies to the Aeromexico cancellation policy.

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