19 Nov

If you do not know how to cancel your WestJet flight ticket online, you are always free to go through the steps provided by our customer representatives. If you can't find what you are looking for just ask and book a flight.
Additionally, you are allowed to easily cancel your WestJet Airlines flight ticket when you do not plan to travel on that date hour and get a fair settlement of the full refund.
However, if you are facing a single issue and do not know how to cancel your WestJet flight ticket online, you are always free to go through the steps provided by our customer representatives. You can clear your doubts easily and easily learn the simple idea of canceling flights with West Airlines.

  • If the flight is canceled within 24 hours of the initial booking, the full payment will be refunded. Payment will be dispatched to the original source within 4 hours.
  • If the passenger cancels the flight after 24 hours or cancels the flight on the same day of cancellation, he/she will have to pay the cancellation fee per person.
  • The amount of cancellation fee varies depending on the type of trip, discount or coupon received, etc.
  • WestJet Airlines' cancellation or refund can be done through the "Manage My Travel" option available on WestJet Airlines' official website.
  • In addition, as per WestJet's refund policy, it may take up to 3-4 business days for the refund to appear in the account.

Inadvertent cancellation of WestJet Airlines

It is a type of cancellation when there is a cancellation due to some reason which is impossible to stop. For airlines, it can be bad weather, technical problems, and more. In the case of passengers, immediate medical or legal action by the court may be considered unintentional. So, in this case, you can get a full refund from airlines, but in some cases, you need to show documents.

Voluntary cancellation of WestJet Airlines

When the cancellation decision can be handled but the person cancels on their own, airlines will not offer you a refund. But there is a policy known as 24 hours cancellation policy, where you can get a refund only if you cancel within 24 hours of purchasing the ticket.

Read more about Westjet Cancellation Policy

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